4th and 5th Grade Data

For my end-of-the-year data collection, I asked fourth graders about ignoring distractions, fixing mistakes, coping with being angry, and coping with being afraid or worried (along with the questions I asked to each grade level including my name, my job, my role in our school, what bullying is, what to do about bullying, and career identification). Here is the data:

*95% of students were able to list a technique to ignore distractions

*65% of students knew the first step in fixing mistakes

*100% of students knew a coping skill they could use if they were feeling angry

*85% of students knew a coping skill they could use if they would feeling worried or afraid

In fifth grade, we discussed how to show you are listening to someone, setting and reaching a goal, and counting to 10 when upset. Here is the data:

*100% of students were able to list a way to show you are listening to someone

*85% of students knew advice they could give to someone (or themselves) having a hard time reaching their goal

*100% of students knew why counting to 10 can be helpful when upset