Over the past two weeks, I have been meeting with students to evaluate their knowledge of the content we covered this year (the August through April lessons). I finally finished today, and have lots and lots of data. I’ll share some of the highlights here:

*83% of students knew my name was either “Miss Harris” or “Mrs. Harris”

*34% of students were able to identify my role as “school counselor” and 45% of students weren’t able to identify “school counselor”, but did identify my role as one who “helps”; thus 79% of students knew I was either a “school counselor” or a “helper”

*83% of students correctly identified my job responsibilities within our school (responses included: help kids, teach about bullying, help others be kind, help people with their problems, talk with kids about what happened.)

*88% of students knew bullying is something that happens more than one time

*88% of students were able to identify what they would do if someone was bullying them (report it to a trusted adult)

Those were the questions I asked to each grade level. I will continue to share data pertaining to each specific grade level in the future. I loved asking these questions, and plan to do something similar first semester next year as it gave me a chance to speak with students individually who I might not get the chance to otherwise. I will also be sharing some of this data with our district as an example of students clearly understanding what bullying is and what they should do if confronted with bullying.