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martes, el 12 de abril

Spanish 4

¡Pep Rally! Clases de 30 minutos (la 6a clase…49 minutos0

  1. Hojas de repaso y las claves…para repasar el subjuntivo. La Sra. tiene tus papeles.
  2. La sección de HABLAR empezó hoy.


  1. Prepara para la sección de HABLAR.
  2. Trabaja en los papeles de repaso.


Spanish 2¡

Pep Rally! Clases de 30 minutos (la 6a clase…49 minutos0

  1. We reviewed the new vocabulary with a true/false set of sentences. The activity is on transparency #16 in the Claves folder on the table.
  2. We checked the hw. Use the answer key. THIS IS FOR A GRADE!
  3. With the Madrid partner, students read out loud the Telehistoria #1 on p. 257 and then wrote the answers to the questions in activity #4 on p. 258. You should reread the dialogue and then complete the activity. The answers are on transparency #24 in the Claves folder.
  4. We watched a short video about Madrid and completed a 1/4 WS.


  1. Study the vocabulary
  2. p. 256, # 1 and #2

Posted in Actividades/tarea.