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lunes, el 24 de marzo

Spanish 4

1.  ¿Qué hiciste durante el fin de semana? para punto(s) de hablar.

2.  Discutimos el cuento del esqueleto.  Entonces, repasamos la tarea.  ES PARA UNA NOTANO HAY CLAVE.  Pon tu papel en la carpeta amarilla para que la Sra. oueda corregirlo

3.  Miramos nuestros “amigos” en….una explicación corta de “Past progressive.”  Debes mirarlo (8.1) y piedes leer la explicación en la página 457.

4.  Un papel anaranjado con apuntes.  Hablamos de “Past progressive”  y los estudinates tomaron apuntes en el mismo papel.  La Sra. tiene tu copia.


1.  Lee la página 457.

2.  Escribe #6 an la página 458.

3.  Termina el micro cuento del esqueleto.  Escribe la siguiente oración incompleta y termínala:

Si un esqueleto bebiera una taza de chocolate…

Spanish 2

1.  Students had 8 minutes to complete the 4.1 vocabulary list.  Sra. has your copy.  It is VERY important that you start studying these words if you did not know a lot of them!

2.  The map project grade was given out to students.  See Sra. for yours.

3.  We checked the hw.  The answer key is in the folder on the table.  THIS IS FOR A GRADE!

4.  We discussed the usage of the imperfect and that we focused last week on the “description” in the past.  On Friday, we then played ¿Adivina quién?

5.  Today we started the use of the imperfect in “setting the scene.”  We watched Telehistoria – escena 2 (p. 206) twice and then discussed the general ideas about the story and then we watched Telehistoria – escena 3 (p. 211) and discussed the information.  The BEST thing for you to do is to listen to the escena 2 (with the 0n line book) twice and then read p. 206.  Repeat this with escena 3.  If you have any questions, ask Sra.!

6.  Using a transparency, we read though a description of “setting the scene” for this legend.  Be sure you read this description in the claves folder.

7.  Using  a picture, of 3 pitufos (smurfs), each student described the heroína in the picture.  We shared some of the descriptions as a class. for a participation point.


1.  p. 202, #4 (Use the information above this activity to review “using the past participle as an adjective.”

2.  For this Wednesday, bring in any combination of photos of you or objects/toys that you had as a child.

3.  Prueba 4.1 el jueves, el 27 de marzo (el vocabulario y el imperfecto)

Posted in Actividades/tarea.