Coming up this week! {11/18-11/22}

Welcome back for another week! We have a lot of fun learning to look forward to this week!

We are continuing Unit 4! Our essential question is “Who are your neighbors?” Our letter of the week is Dd. Our high-frequency word this week is do. Our vocabulary words are: appreciate, cultures, prefer, proud, tradition. Our category words this week are food words. Our grammar skill for the week is adjectives (describing words).

This week we will be starting Unit 3. We will be practicing partners of 5 and 6. We will be working on numbers 1-10, groups of 10, and partners through 6. Your child will be bringing their homework folder home on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday this week. Monday and Friday will be family letters and Wednesday will be homework for them to complete.

Writer’s Workshop…
This week we are continuing Quarter 2 writing! We are going to be working on asking questions in our stories, and practicing with ending punctuation. We are becoming writers and it is so exciting to see!

We are continuing our Celebrations unit this week!  We will learn all about what celebrations are, why people have celebrations, and the different types of celebrations all around the world. We can’t wait to tell you all about our travels around the world while experiencing different celebrations people have!

Star of the Week…
We enjoyed learning all about Zara last week. Zara’s favorite color is pink, her favorite animal is a horse. She wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up. We are excited to learn all about Rylan this week.

Don’t forget! Library days this week are Tuesday and Friday.

Don’t forget! R.E.D. Folders are due on Friday!

We have so much to learn and look forward to this week! Thanks for partnering with us to make this a successful year in Kindergarten!

-Mrs. Sellenrick