Computer Applications 1 – Monday, 10/29/12


Review Excel Screen –  QUIZ TUESDAY!!!

Excel Acitivity –  The GAP

New Skills:

  • Format cells as numbers
  • Increase a cell’s decimal places.

This activity illustrates how spreadsheets can be used by a retail clothing store to list the cost of merchandise and its selling price.

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Computer Applications 2 – Friday, 10/26/12


Candy Opportunity – Review Excel Screen

Assignment:  Project E-5 Employee Productivity Report

New Skills:

  • Insert formulas into a spreadsheet
  • Autosum
  • Autofill
  • Sort data in a spreadsheet

In this activity you will create an employee productivity report for a cleaning company.  The company will use the report to determine in they need to hire additional workers to support the increase in new customers they have received.


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