Computer Applications – Friday, 12/14/12, Speech Tournament Schedule


PowerPoint extra credit wordsearch and/or continue working on PowerPoint projects.  All projects are due at the end of class on Monday.

LSE Speech Tournament
Friday, December 14, 2012
Period 1 7:00 – 7:45
Period 2 7:57 – 8:35
Period 3 8:41 – 9:19
Period 4 9:25 – 10:03
Period 5 10:09 – 10:47
Period 6 10:53 – 12:01
1st Lunch 10:47 – 11:17
Class 11:23 – 12:01
Class 10:53 – 11:31
2nd Lunch 11:31 – 12:01
Period 7  12:07 – 12:45
Period 8 12:51 – 1:29
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