


noun \ri-ˌspän(t)-sə-ˈbi-lə-tē\

: the state of being the person who caused something to happen

: a duty or task that you are required or expected to do

: something that you should do because it is morally right, legally required, etc.

Responsibility quotes

Missile’s Virtues

“Be considerate Of Others, Self, Property and The Environment”

noun \ri-ˈspekt\

: a feeling of admiring someone or something that is good, valuable, important, etc.

: a feeling or understanding that someone or something is important, serious, etc., and should be treated in an appropriate way

: a particular way of thinking about or looking at something



Welcome to a new and exciting year of your life! 7th grade is a memorable year for many people, so start making it yours Today! Along with the friends you’ve met, the knowledge you gained; you are now acquainted with middle school! Take this opportunity to learn from last year and continue to grow. As you continue your Journey at Mickle, continue making choices that will positively impact your future as Learners Today and Leaders Tomorrow!