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January 17th, 2018 – Staying Warm?

Good Morning Families,

I hope you’re all staying toasty warm this week!  I’m still in a bit of shock we had a “cold” day yesterday, but I suppose it is always better to be safe when it comes to extreme weather.  I’m glad we’re back today, as the kids have many fun things to work on this week!

Due to the short week, don’t expect a spelling list to come home today.  Three days is a pretty quick turnaround to learn a new list of words.  We’ll practice the skills and do some activities, but I’d rather use Friday morning to make up a lesson from the cold day, rather than squeeze in a spelling test.

We will have a Reading Homework this week, but I will count it as a “bonus” assignment and offer the kids a reward it they bring it back by Friday.  I considered skipping it, but the story is about Martin Luther King, Jr., and I’d hate for the kids to miss out learning about Dr. King and his life.

On Thursday, the workers from the UNL Extension Office will return to class and “candle” our classroom eggs.  That simply means they will shine a high powered light against the eggs to check their development.  Hopefully all twelve are growing properly, and your child will have exciting news to report that evening.

In Math we’ll keep practicing fractions this week.  You can expect a homework assignment from my class tonight, and perhaps on Friday.  We’ll play that day by ear as we try and get caught up from the missed day.

Keep warm and have a great rest of the week!

Eric Wachter

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