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Monthly Archives: February 2017

February 21st, 2017 – Back to Normal

Hello Families!

This week your child’s class is back to “normal” after finishing up some exhausting tests last week.  This week we are beginning Unit 5, Week 1 in reading.  Your child should have brought home a spelling list and a reading homework assignment.  My Math class also had Math homework (9-3).

Your child should have also brought home a Parent/Teacher Conference schedule.  Those are coming up next week and I’m very much looking forward to sharing the progress your child has been making!

Thanks for reading and have a great week!

Mr. Wachter



February 13th, 2017 – Unit 4 Test Week, Math DCA #3 and Valentine’s Day

Good Morning Families!

This week your child’s class will be taking their Unit 4 Test in reading.  The test is spread out over 3 days or so, and will assess them on all the skills we’ve been working on since the start of of January.  We will not have spelling this week, as a result.

In Math, we’ll end the week taking our third DCA Test.  The DCA is a quick check of all the skills they kids have learned in the last 2-3 Units of Math.  It is not a part of their grade, but more of a tool for teacher’s to see what skills the kids have mastered, and which ones we need to review.

We will also celebrate Valentine’s Day at 3:00 on Tuesday.  This quick little party will be a nice way to break up all that testing! The kids will also have a chance to make a “Monster” bag to house all their cards.  This is just for fun, and not something they have to partake in.  If your child does not celebrate Valentine’s Day he/she will have plenty of other things to do to keep them busy.

I hope you’re enjoying the new site!  I keep thinking of things that would be helpful to add, so it’s changing almost daily.  If you have any suggestions, please let me know how I can improve the page.  Have a great week!

Mr. Wachter

February 9th, 2017 – New Web Page!

Hello Families!

I finally have my web page up and running!  I am a complete novice at this, so bare with me as I learn how to host one of these sites.  Hopefully you’ll find it helpful and allows you to follow your child through the remainder of third grade. My goal is to update the information here at least once a week, so check back often for current happenings in good old room 702.

I will include this link in each email I send home, but you might consider bookmarking the page.  As you can see from the menu items listed, it might prove to be the best and quickest way to stay up to date with your child’s classroom.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great rest of the week!

Mr. Wachter