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This is Mr. Thiemann

I am a sixth grade science 972806and language arts teacher at Lux Middle School.  I am on the 6A side, and you can find me in room 409.  I love teaching, and teaching middle school is especially rewarding. I have spent most of my career teaching elementary students, so this was a bit of a jump.  However, students’ needs remain my focus.  It is my desire to find out where students are and to take them to the next higher levels.  This is a partnership, however.  Everyone at Lux Middle School is a part of this partnership, but the most influential people in this partnership always have been and always will be parents.  So, let’s all work together to make sure your children are as successful as they possibly can be.


If you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact me:

7800 High St [map]
Lincoln, Nebraska 68506
Phone: (402) 436-1220