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Health Education Course Outline and Expectations

1) Substance abuse

  • -alcohol      -drinking and driving        -contract for life    -marijuana    -other drugs      -meth, ecstasy, inhalants,etc.     -tobacco use       -addiction      -community resources


2) Sexual behaviors and decision making

-fallacies    -role playing- refusal skills and decision making    -anatomy and physiology of reproduction    -abstinence    -delaying sexual involvement       -sexually transmitted diseases   -HIV- AIDS  -birth control     -breast and testicular cancer self examination education.


3) Nutrition

-dietary guidelines      -6 basic nutrients     -weight control, weight gain    -eating disorders     -dietary recall- self assessment


4) Stress Unit

-stress identification    -self assessment -Relationships   -Depression -coping strategies- psychological and physical management skills     -hypertension & high blood pressure        -influences of lifestyle on blood pressure


-speculative reasons.    -signals of a person who may be suicidal.   -what to do next.


5) Injury prevention & safety

-reducing the risk of unintentional injury    -weather safety   -reducing risk of violence and self protection strategies.


6) Consumer health

-community, State, & global health information resources and their reliability -consumer rights and protection    -evaluation of advertisements    -health advocacy     -health careers


NOTE; If for any reason you think that the subject matter on any given day is too sensitive for you to be present, discuss your concerns with me, and if your parents agree, other arrangements will be made for you on that day or days.


Attendance – Excused absence (illness, etc.), see me as soon as possible to find out what you missed that day or days for work that needs to be made up


Make-up work – Students will have the opportunity to make up any work that they may have missed during an absence. Generally each student will be given five school days to complete and hand in the work. Extended situations will be dealt with on an individual basis.


Tardies – Every tardy, after two, will result in your making up time after school. Beginning with the third tardy, you will make up fifteen minutes after school and will add fifteen minutes for each tardy after the third.


Assignments – Assignments will be handed in promptly at the beginning of the assigned class period. Late assignments will be reduced in possible credit by 25% per day. The point value will not reach zero though, after two school days the assignment will be worth 20% of the original total value.


Class notes – Class notes will be handed in at the end of each unit. Complete notes will be awarded 20 points.

Quizzes – Each quiz will be worth 20 points.

Class projects– 100 pts.


Class rules 1) When the teacher is talking, you stop what you are doing and listen. 2) When there is substitute teacher here in my place, you will treat that person with the utmost respect. 3) No coats and hats in class. 4) No pop in class. Water O.K. 5) ELECTRONIC DEVICES NOT ALLOWED DURING CLASS.


Grading – Grades will be determined by the number of points accumulated from assignments, quizzes, projects and tests.

Grading scale

 A   – 90 – 100

B+ – 85 – 89

B   – 80 – 84

C+ – 75 – 79

C   – 70 – 74

D+ – 65 – 69

D   – 60 – 64


Dear Southwest Parent,

In an effort to increase communication between Lincoln Southwest H.S. and the parents of students who participate in my health classes, I am sending my class expectations and course outline for you to review.

Ultimately, my hope is that this will increase communication between you and your

student with regard to these very important, and sometimes controversial issues that face the youth of our community today.

Please fully read through the expectations and outlines for my class and sign on the space provided. Your signature indicates that you and your  student have read and, fully understand the expectations for this class.

Parent(s) signature               __________________________________


Student signature                   __________________________________

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

If you should have any questions or concerns, please call me at school.

Your support is very much appreciated!


Doug Kaltenberger

Health Education

Lincoln Southwest High School