October 11, 2017


MATH: Fraction, Decimal, Percent W.S.



ENGLISH: Seed Writing #13 1. This Friday is the end of quarter one.  How has it gone?  What are your goals for 2nd quarter?
2.  What would you do if someone just gave you $1 million?  Try to be specific about prices and do the actual math to really spend all the money.
3.Write a list of at least 50 things that make you feel good. If you can do 50, that’s great.  Otherwise, write as many as you can!
4.  Use one of your writing seeds topics.
***Remember to write the whole time you are given. Practice some of the skills we have learned (dialogue, paragraphing, descriptive language (use the senses), Explode the Moment, etc. )

SOCIAL STUDIES: Review Alexander the Great for test tomorrow and continue Rome Video with notes

SCIENCE: Qtr. 1 DCA over “Inside Earth” unit

HEALTH: What substances, other than tobacco, can be addictive?

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