6th Grade Syllabus


   6th Grade Art Academic Connections:


This art class provides students opportunities to ex-plore a variety of art media, techniques, and processes.  The curriculum relates art to history, culture, and other subject areas using the framework of the Lincoln Public Schools Visual Art Standards.

      (LPS Visual Art Standards on back of handout)

    *This class will meet every day for a quarter.

   * Students will earn a grade of Commendable (C)= 91-      100%,

      Satisfactory (S) = 90-70%  

      Needs Improvement (N) = below 59%.

           The criteria for grading in 6th grade art is:

  Academic grades will be derived from the student’s  knowledge of art, creative expression, and  appreciation for art history. These objectives are met  through art projects and art activities involving  famous artists.

 Grades for Behavior and Work Habits will be derived  from the student’s participation, following directions,  being respectful to the instructor and other students,  cooperation, being on task, and respecting being on  task, and respecting ALL classroom rules and  procedures.