About Daniel Claridge

I have taught at Scott since the school opened in 1996. I grew up in Lincoln and attended Beattie, Irving and Lincoln High School. After high school I attended Concordia University in Seward. While I was there I met my future wife, Kim. We were married in 1991 and have 3 boys, Nick (20, Cody (18), and Bo (7). Kim teaches 7th grade health at Lux Middle School.

How to be successful in PE


Here are some tips so you can earn the grade you want in PE class and also have more fun during the process.  In every other class you have assignments each day.  To do well in PE you need to do the following assignments each day:

1. Be prepared for class:   You need to change into your PE clothes each day for class.  The main reasons are for safety and hygiene.  Even if you wear shorts and a t-shirt to school you are expected to change.  That will keep your school clothes cleaner and it’s also fair to those students that don’t wear athletic clothes to school.   Students that don’t change for class are much more likely to be less engaged and not participate as well.   Students that change for class each day average a much higher grade in class compared to those who don’t.

2. Participate:  You are expected to participate in all aspects of PE class.  This includes our warm ups, stretching, and class activity.  You are graded on all of those.  PE is not a club sport.  PE is a chance for you to be active and have fun doing it.  I expect you to participate to the best of your ability.   It’s not about being the best, it’s if your trying your best.  So participate to your best ability and have some fun doing it!

3. Follow directions:  The gym is a crowded and very noisy place.  We need students to follow directions for safety and space management.  All our directions are given for a reason.  You may do an activity at home, but in a gym setting we might have different rules that need to be followed.  This insures the safety and participation for all students.  Students that can’t follow directions will have to sit out or do an alternate activity (stationary bike).

4. Do well on knowledge tests:  Each quarter you will have 1-2 knowledge tests.  These will be over rules, strategy, scoring for our units.  Each of these make up 25% of your grade.  You can do well in all your other daily grades, but if you don’t prepare for these tests your grade could be much lower.  If you pay attention during class you will learn all this information and we also give you a handout for each test that you can study.  So be sure to take all these tests very seriously!

How to be successful in Health

Health should not be a hard class.  If you follow these tips you will be very successful.

1. Be prepared for class:   First, be on time for class.  I will follow the school tardy policy.  Second, you should always have a pencil to write with and a folder for Health class.  The folder will help you keep things organized.  You will also have a Health folder that we keep in class.  You will use that to keep your work in if you finish or we need it again next class period.  You will use your own folder for homework or anything you don’t finish in class.

2. Use class time wisely:  I try not to give homework very often.  You will have homework when we have tests, projects, or you miss class time.  I will give you class time to complete our work.  If you focus during class and complete your work you will have very little to do outside of class.

3. Use your planner:  Since we have Health every other day it is very easy to be unorganized.  Use your planner to write the agenda down each day (found on front white board).  This will help you keep track of your work and when assignments are due.  It also helps you remember what we have done.  Over the weekends we have 4 day gaps between classes.  If you have all that information written down it is much easier to stay on track.

4. Participate:  Health class is much more enjoyable if to take an active part in it.  Follow along, ask questions and complete work.  Please ask questions during discussion.  If there is anything you want to know, or are interested in, on a Health related topic please ask.  Many other students may be wondering the same thing.  We also have many discussion grades for videos or classwork.  By discussing and answering these questions it will help you learn the material better and also improve your chances of receiving a good grade.

Lastly, I am here to help you be successful in class.  If you have a question or don’t understand something please ask.