Block Schedules

Through out NeSA testing the Dawes Middle Schoolers have been experiencing new things. The Middle Schoolers have been going through the block schedules. The block schedules have been going on for about six days. The schedule have been great for some and not so great for others.

The Block Schedule consists of one and a half hour time periods. The block schedule for 7th and 8th graders looks like: 8:00-9:30, 9:15-11:05, 11:10-1:15, 1:20-2:58

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Earlier I interviewed Mariah Dondlinger and she said “Block Scheduling makes the day longer, and sometimes the teachers get a bit annoying.” “It also gets really annoying when we have to eat lunch at a different time every day, It messes up my eating schedule.”

I know that all good things have a bad side according to Mariah some bad things are sitting with the same class and teachers for an hour and a half.
So NeSA is a benefit to students because it helps you get more work done and it helps you get a better understanding because there is more time to learn.