Alice In Wonderland Dawes Play

Part 1 of the Drama Series:

In order to get the part in the play you have to audition for the part that you want and then they are put into certain categories that the teacher thinks you fit best into.

Warm-ups, vocal runs and awkward movements. When you first step foot in the auditorium you see a bunch of people clearing the stage from chairs, ready, confident about their parts one after another they go and say one of there many lines. Constant corrections on everything they do. Talking at the highest pitch they can, to make sure everybody in the room can hear what they are saying. Having to step in when a person is absent. “LINE” they yell as they forget there next line.

Running around the whole auditorium to fallow along with the play. Theirs a person that controls all the sound cues. She has up to 11 little melodies she has to play throughout the show.