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Oct. 28- Nov. 1

Where o’ where did October go??

I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weather today.

This week will be a busy one.

We have PLC day on Tuesday, the students will be dismissed at 2:18 so we can evaluate test scores and gather ideas on how to make them even better.

Thursday is Halloween, we are asking that students do not dress up on that day in their costumes. Our party will be from 3:00 to 3:30, remember, you have to be a volunteer in order to be a part of the party. The link is on my webpage, as well as the Morley and LPS webpages.

Thursday is also picture retake day.

We will start a new Math Unit on Tuesday. It will cover parallelograms, quadrilaterals, triangles, squares and rectangles. We will have homework on Halloween night.

We will also be taking our Unit 2 reading assessment. This will be broken into 2 day, Thursday and Friday. We will take the test throughout the day.

The student log-ins for Wonders is a great place to go for extra practice on the concepts we will cover for the week. It will also have the stories we are reading. I ask that you not read a story that we have not yes read in class. Your child will know what we have and have not read. If you have misplaced the user name and password, please email me and I will send a new one with your student.


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