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Technology grades are based on LPS curriculum rubrics for work in the computer lab.

Since your child has a 50-minute computer class for a maximum of 11 times a quarter, there may be an * recorded in one of the categories on the report card. That means either that particular topic was not taught during that quarter or that your child was absent when the concept was taught.

Concepts are presented over and over during the school year, so your child will not miss out on an important concept if there is an absence.

Important: Missed work is not made up. The basic concepts will be repeated throughout the school year.

Reporting Rubrics for Morley Computer Class

Students come to school with different backgrounds. Some students are very experienced in using computers; some have never seen a mouse or track pad; most are somewhere in between.

The number you see on the report card is an indicator of whether your child has met the expectations set up by LPS for his/her grade level.

4=Exceeds Expectations
3=Meets Expectations
2=Almost Meets Expectations
1=Does Not Meet Expectations

There are no pluses or minuses attached to a reporting number with this system.

Most grades are 3’s. That means your child has met the expectations for his grade level.

One of the most important numbers to look at is the WORK/STUDY HABITS. This number reflects your child’s behavior and attitude in the computer lab. If there is a 2 or 1, your child has some behavior and/or attitude problems in the computer lab. Your child already knows about those behavior and/or attitude problems, because I have discussed it more than once with him/her. Behavior and attitude problems boil down to the THREE R’s – RESPECT for the teacher, RESPECT for the other students (and equipment), and RESPONSIBILITY for one’s own actions. Lab behavior expectations have been discussed with students numerous times.

You will receive a Computer Lab REPORT on the four Fridays during the school year that you receive your student’s report card. The report will let you know what your child’s class has worked on in the Computer Lab during the preceding quarter.