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How have you used Adaptive Schools this school year?

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  1. Jill Able says

    After Adaptive Schools training we were excited to introduce the concepts we learned to our staff. At the first staff day this year I did an introduction activity where I gave them a short definition of dialogue and discussion and an example of what the conversation would sound like if we were having a dialogue vs. a discussion. I then had them stand up and find a partner to dialogue then discuss 3 topics. See below. This worked well with teachers as it gave them the opportunity to get up and moving, meet new teachers or get reacquainted with others, while learning the difference between dialogue and discussion.

    With each new partner, start by taking turns introducing yourself. Tell them your name, subject you will teach, where you are from, and one interesting fact about yourself. The person that has been at LHS the longest goes first.
    1. Dialogue then discussion: Should we have a homework policy at LHS?
    2. Dialogue then discussion: Should teachers be using cell phones in their classroom as an instructional strategy?
    3. Dialogue then discussion: What is the most important component the SLC grant provides for students that we should sustain in years to come?
    (ARC , Credit Recovery, Bridge program, Advisory, ACT prep sessions, and Link Crew)
    (this one will be hard for teachers new to LHS, but it will give teachers that have been at LHS the opportunity to share what these programs are in dialogue. If you are two new teachers to LHS join a group that has a teacher that has been here.)

    Now go back to your original table groups and share what it felt like to have a dialogue and what it felt like to have a discussion. The person with the shortest hair will go first, go around the table so that each person can share.

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