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Monday, August 31 2009

Spanish 1

Alphalbet song for pronunciation. Reviewed for Quiz tomorrow. Make sure you know the colors in Spanish. The numbers and spelling of them from 0 – 10. The phrases that you should say in Spanihs class and those you should be able to respond to that the teacher says. All of this is in your notebook and Text. Entry #5 in Notebook today was notes on what to study for test.

We also did practice speaking and listening activities number 14 and 15 and a sentence activity ordering the words in the phrases you should know.

Speaking points slips passed out. There is one for each section. 4 on this one. You should be able to do 1. Now and many students did today. Keep these slips and hand them in when you have spoken all 4 sections to Maestra or 9/23/09 at the lastest.

Quiz tomorrow.

Spanish 2

Reviewed introductions with partners.
Quiz 1.1.
Read about Euros p. 13 in Textbook and did discussion questions in small groups.
Speaking points slips handed out and discussed. These are all review and are due 9/11/09. There are 3 requirements that you should be proficient in by the end of this chapter. We’ve practiced in class. Do one each week and then hand in your signed slip to Maestra for points. Speaking is 30% of your grade.

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