
  • Current Events- Students will have 10 current events due 2 weeks before each semester ends. These current events they will collect throughout the semester and place in their notebook. They must include one current event on each of the following: politics, science in the news, world news, national news, Nebraska/Lincoln news, sports. The remaining 4 are their choice. Students must have the article with the written form (Click on link) or the current event will not count. These current events count 100 points towards  their academic grade! They will place all 10 current events in the current event section of their 3 ring Social Studies notebook. Current event form
  • Permission slips- from time to time we will post permission slips here. For some reason they are always getting lost between school and home
  • Curriculum and Standards- 8th grade MegaChart
  • Historical Habits of Mind is a way to teach critical thinking and reading. They are habits that historians use to understand what was really happening so they get a complete picture of history. The skills we will be working on this year are: Multiple perspectives, sourcing, and contextualization