La misma luna

Choose and complete 1 extension activity to complete your movie experience! 30 puntos formativos

  • Draw and narrate a 1-2 page Spanish cartoon about Carlitos that highlights his many adventures.
  • Make a 10 question Spanish Kahoot about the movie! Share it with me (SraStetson) so we can play!
  • Research an immigration theme and report your findings in at least 100 English words. Example themes: Latino population, Immigration Policies, Green cards and Visas, Border Patrol, and more… Stetson has some readings or you can search the internet.
  • Draw a Super Hero Poster that visually represents your favorite character from the movie and at least 10 pieces of information about them in Spanish.
  • OR….you can use to create a thematic poster. Use as many Spanish words as you can to create a cloud based on a character or one of the movies big themes.
  • Make a word search or crossword puzzle online using at least 20 of the vocab words from the movie packet. Take a screen shot of it and email it to me
  • Re-write the ending of the movie or create your own prequel! This can be done in English but should include quotes from the characters in Spanish!


PRIMERO: ¿Cómo se dicen los animales en inglés? Escribe los que sabes.

SEGUNDO: Mira el primer video para chequear los que tú sabes. Hablamos un poco juntos de los que no están en el video.

TERCERO: ¿Sabes que los animales hace sonidos diferentes en lenguajes y culturas diferentes?  Mira los videos para ver ejemplos.  Después escucha a tu maestra para más ejemplos.

PARA DIVERSIÓN: ¿Puedes identificar el animal?

LUEGO: ¿Eres curioso?  Hay más información aquí


Here are links to all the C activities that you can do at home:

Don’t forget you can also link to Quizlet to add practice and points!!!

*Quizlet activities:   In order to gain all points you must complete at least 3 different types of activities. Use the “cards” and “scatter” to get familiar with the layout then try the others for a challenge!


La copa mundial 2014 en Brasil.

Algunos enlaces (links) para La copa mundial 2014: