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Theme 1: Courage

Both physical and emotional courage are explored in this theme.  In  selections from the books Hatchet, Passage to Freedom, Climb or Die, and The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle, students work with noting details, making judgments, recognizing sequence, predicting outcomes, with the strategy of predict/infer being emphasized.  In this first unit, we will review each of the strategies introduced through our  Houghton Mifflin materials and begin to identify how each can be used to support understanding of text within our reading experiences.  We also build our classroom routines and discussion norms in this first unit.

Students are responsible for knowing the following vocabulary at the end of this theme:

Key vocabulary: Courage

gingerly:  carefully avoiding harm or danger
frustration:  feeling of discouragement from not being able to achieve a goal
gratify:  to indulge a desire
diplomat:  one who is appointed to represent a government in another government
visas:  documents that give permission to travel through a specific country
superiors:  those who have a higher rank and more authority
improvise:  make something from available materials
function:  to fill a particular purpose or role
fatigue:  extreme tiredness
audacity:  courage and resolution
maneuver:  change directions in a controlled manner
entangle:  twist together
judgment:  an opinion formed by evaluating personal values and facts
sequence:  the order in which things are arranged, actions carried out, or events happen
appositive:  a word or group of words that immediately follows a noun and identifies or explains it                       Example:  The giraffe,
a mammal, has a long neck.