Week of December 10-14

This week’s spelling words are: make, came, take, name, gave, game.  The challenge list words are: face, brave, plane, page, stage, skate, would.  As you’ve noticed, the words are getting trickier!  We don’t have a lot of time to focus on spelling practice at school, so your efforts at home are appreciated.

We’ve been learning about clusters the past few weeks, r clusters (br, tr, cr, dr, fr, gr…), l clusters (fl, bl, cl, gl, sl…), ch and sh.  We’ve also started work with triple clusters spl, spr, str, and thr. Also in the news, contractions! Students are finding this a bit tricky, especially those that don’t fit the “rules” such as won’t.  We are also continuing to work on long vowel words, ask your student about what Super Silent E does.

Each month we have two PLC meetings, one that we get out early for and an additional meeting mid-month after school.  It is during these meetings, that we get together as a first grade team to discuss what we are doing well, what we need to improve, and what strategies we can implement to meet our goals.  As a school, we have focused on reading comprehension and math problem solving.  Here are the first grade specific goals.

READING: All students will read a level DRA or higher at the end of the year.              MATH: 1. All first grade students will demonstrate proficiency in problem solving as measured by monthly problem solving assessment.   2. All students will be proficient in math computation 1-10 addition and subtraction.

You can help your student meet goals by: encouraging your child to read at home, practicing the word flashcards that we send home each quarter, checking over the nightly math homework and by practicing math facts 0-10 addition and subtraction.


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