Daily Archives: November 16, 2015

January/ February

Novel: Mirarcle’s Boys


Weeks #1-2: January 5th – 15th

Glaring: staring in an angry way

Stereotyping: believing that someone is a certain way before you know them

Deceiving: making someone believe something that isn’t true

Crouching: squatting down

Surge: something suddenly grows or moves forward

Crucial: really needed, important


Weeks# 3-4: January 19th – 29th

Furiously: Done with a lot of effort, energy or speed

Instinctively: Reacting to something without thinking

Submerge: To cover something completely

Muffled: Something is made quieter because something is blocking some of the sound

Flickering: Getting brighter then darker

Flinch: A quick movement of the body or face in reaction to something (usually unexpected)


Weeks #5-6: February 1st – 12th

exertion: A lot of physical or mental effort

Coordinating: to organize an activity so that people involved in it work well together and achieve a good result

Accustomed: To become familiar with something and accept it as normal

Jutted: Something that sticks out further than the other things around it

Glinted: To shine back off of; reflect

Perished: to die, especially in a terrible or sudden way