Lincoln Southwest MAP Testing

All students attending Lincoln Public Schools are required to meet graduation requirements in Reading in order to graduate. The MAPs are focused on providing evidence a student has reached an expected high school level of achievement prior to graduation. The MAP test is adaptive, meaning that it will adjust the difficulty of test items based on student answers, until it gets to a point where the test-taker is answering about half of the items correctly and half of them incorrectly. The assessment also gives teachers important information that is used for reading placement. It is in a student’s best interest to do their best work.

For a video explaining the MAP, go to: It is important to point out that, unlike some information in the video, LSW students will ONLY be taking the MAP Reading Test.

A practice test is available! If you would like to take a Practice Test, do the following:

  1. Log out of your profile on your Chromebook
  2. On the Chromebook login screen select the “Apps” Icon
  3. Select the “NWEA Secure Testing” app
  4. Underneath the login, select, “Try the Practice Test”
  5. Enter “Grow,” and “Grow” for the login information