Sack Speech

The Sack Speech is designed to get you started in Oral Communications.

Sack Speech


  • Fill a sack with three items that represent you.
  • The bag and each item should represent something about your life:
    • Item #1 should describe something about your past.
    • Item #2 should relate to something about your present.
    • Item #3 should explain something about your future.
    • The bag should also symbolize you in some way.
  • Start your speech with some general introductory remarks about yourself: name, activities, pets, siblings, etc.
  • Then, you will display your items one at a time and explain how each item in the bag represents your life.
  • The speeches should be no more than 2 minutes long.
  • You can use the outline I give you as notes during your speech.
  • This speech is worth 50 points.

Please use this outline to organize your speech.  Sack Speech Outline