Oral Communications

Welcome to Oral Communications!  Standing up in front of people and talking can be quite nerve wracking.  In fact, surveys have shown people fear speaking in public more than death!  Yet most career choices involve some sort of speaking – especially if you want to advance.  So what are we to do?  Just like any other skill, you must understand and practice speaking for it to become a natural part of your day.

In this class, you will be exposed to several different types of speaking, and you will be given the chance to express yourself in many different ways.  My goal for you is to find tools for communicating in any situation, and have the confidence to use those tools for any communication you may have to do, whether in school or out.  You will have many opportunities to speak, including (but not limited to) the following speeches:  introduction, demonstration, interview, logical fallacy, informative, and persuasive.  The last two will count towards the LPS graduation standard.

Units in this classroom will include:  The communication theory, perception, communication apprehension, listening, nonverbal communication, interpersonal communication, group communication, mass communication, and public addresses.  Passing this class is a requirement for graduation through LPS.

Course Description