English 9 Objectives: 

Reading Objectives

Students will

R.9.1 Answer literal, inferential, and critical thinking questions about a variety of media and genres (fiction, non-fiction, drama, poetry) when presented with grade-level texts from multiple cultures and perspectives.

R.9.1.1 – Answer literal, inferential, and critical thinking questions when presented with grade level texts.

R.9.1.2 – Analyze the development of a complex character, citing evidence from the text to support their assertions.

R.9.1.3 – Identify purpose when looking at grade level texts from multiple cultures and perspectives.

R.9.1.4 – Compare and contrast the representation of a subject, theme or idea across multiple mediums of text (both print and multimedia).

R.9.2 Identify a variety of elements of fiction, including setting, character, conflict, basic situation, complications, climax, resolution, point of view and figurative language when presented with grade-level texts from multiple cultures and perspectives.

R.9.2.1 – Identify the elements of fiction and use the elements of fiction to construct a proficient theme statement.

R.9.2.2 – Recognize and identify figurative language such as simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron, onomatopoeia, idiom, symbolism, allusion, alliteration, analogy, etc.

R.9.3 Identify the theme of a grade-level fiction text.

R.9.3.1 – Identify the elements of fiction and use the elements of fiction to construct a proficient theme statement.

R.9.4 Analyze credibility of sources, assess the usefulness of evidence presented in support of the research question, and recognize bias.

 R.9.5 Write a proficient summary of a grade-level text.

R.9.6 Increase their vocabulary knowledge and demonstrate that knowledge through reading comprehension and by applying new words in their writing.

R.9.6.1 – Learn vocabulary in context including the understanding of both figurative and connotative meanings.

R. – Use context as a clue to meaning

R. – Use patterns of word changes to identify meaning or part of speech

R. – Determine meaning using print and digital reference materials.

R. – Verify meaning through context or reference

R. – Interpret figures of speech

R. – Analyze nuances in the meanings of similar words.

R. – Use general academic and domain specific words.

R. – Determine meaning of words through structural analysis, using knowledge of Greek, Latin, and Anglo-Saxon roots, prefixes and suffixes to understand complex words.

R.9.7 Trace the development of a character, citing evidence from the text to support their assertions.

R.9.7.1 – Analyze the development of a complex character, citing evidence from the text to support their assertions.

Writing Objectives

 Students will

W.9.1 Write a proficient summary of a grade-level text.

W.9.2 Increase their vocabulary knowledge and demonstrate that knowledge through reading comprehension and by applying new words in their writing.

W.9.3 Trace the development of a character, citing evidence from the text to support their assertions.

W.9.4 Practice and compose a narrative essay that includes sufficient details, logical sequence of events, and a variety of narrative techniques (contextualization, dialogue, pacing, reflection, description).

W.9.4.1 – Engage in narrative writing.

W.9.4.2 – Demonstrate proficiency in organizing information (chronology, order of importance, point-by-point, cause and effect), clarifying relationships between subjects, establishing appropriate tone, and contextualizing the student’s point of view/thinking.

W.9.4.3 – Develop writing that expresses and conveys real or imagined experiences by using sufficient details, well-structured sequence of events, and a variety of narrative techniques (contextualization, action, dialogue, pacing, description, figurative language, reflection).

W.9.4.4 – Utilize technology in the production and revision of writing.

W.9.5 Practice and compose an expository essay that introduces topics; organizes complex ideas around a thesis statement; incorporates compelling logic, reasoning, and evidence; and controls the structure and a wide range of stylistic elements appropriate for exposition (point of view, word choice, syntax, tone, figurative language, or figures of speech).

W.9.5.1 – Engage in expository (informative/explanatory), and argumentative writing.

W.9.5.2 – Demonstrate proficiency in organizing information (chronology, order of importance, point-by-point, cause and effect), clarifying relationships between subjects, establishing appropriate tone, and contextualizing the student’s point of view/thinking.

W.9.5.3 – Construct a clear thesis statement that is adequately supported.

W.9.5.4 – Introduce topics and organize complex ideas, concepts, and information to show relationships among them.

W.9.5.5 – Use relevant and sufficient facts, extended definitions, details, quotations, and examples to develop a topic.

W.9.5.6 – Convey the importance of their own thinking and writing to a given audience through a statement of conclusion or reflection.

W.9.5.7 – Synthesize information into a piece of writing in which the flow of ideas is maintained throughout, a standard format for citation is followed, and plagiarism is effectively avoided.

W.9.5.8 – Utilize technology in the production and revision of writing.

W.9.6 Use the writing process to develop and strengthen their writing.

W.9.6.1 – Plan, revise, and edit to develop and strengthen their writing.

W.9.6.2 – Give and accept feedback from peers and adults on their writing.

 W.9.7 Collect a variety of credible sources; analyze, synthesize, and cite information in correct MLA format (in-text) in the research process; and demonstrate these skills in a research paper with a proper works cited page.

W.9.7.1 – Engage in short-term and sustained research projects to answer questions or solve problems.

W.9.7.2 – Gather relevant, useful, authoritative sources from a range of print sources and databases.

W.9.7.3- Synthesize information into a piece of writing in which the flow of ideas is maintained throughout, a standard format for citation is followed, and plagiarism is effectively avoided.


Language Objectives

Students will

L.9.1 Use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other standard conventions consistently, and a variety of sentence structures appropriate for grade level.

L.9.1.1 – Use correct mechanics.

L. – Recognize and correct inappropriate fragments and run-ons.

L. – Use correct punctuation.

L. – Edit writing for format and conventions (spelling, capitalization, grammar,


L.9.1.2 – Use correct usage.

L. – Recognize and correct inappropriate fragments and run-ons.

L. – Ensure subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement.

L. – Correctly use frequently confused words (ex.: to/too/two).

L. – Recognize and correct inappropriate shifts in verb tense.

L. – Recognize and correct vague pronouns.

L. – Use parallel structure.

L. – Apply standard rules of sentence formation, including parallel structure and

L.9.1.3 – Use effective style.

L. – Choose punctuation for effect.

L. – Choose words and phrases for effect.

L. – Choose phrases to convey ideas precisely.

L. – Choose language that expresses ideas precisely and concisely, recognizing

and eliminating wordiness and redundancy.

L. – Apply standard rules of sentence formation, including parallel structure and

L. – Revise to improve writing (sentence fluency, word choice).

Speaking and Listening Objectives

Students will

SL.9.1 Participate effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with partners in grade 9 topics, texts, and issues; present themselves as ethical and credible speakers (ethos); demonstrate logical, reasoned, organized appeals (logos); understand the audience’s emotions and needs and adapt accordingly (pathos); and demonstrate comprehensive listening.

SL.9.1.1 – Summarize points of agreement and disagreement, respond thoughtfully, qualify and justify own views, understand and communicate evidence, and make personal connections with evidence and reason.

SL.9.1.2 – Prepare for class discussions by researching the topic, present consistently valid information, and use a pleasing and likable tone.

SL.9.1.3 – Give logical reason, make clear claims, and use supporting evidence.

SL.9.1.4 – Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, make strategic use of digital media, and choose language deliberately

SL.9.1.5 – Take notes, respond in small groups, and respond to class presentations.



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English 9.2 

  • Creative
  • Humor
  • Nice
  • Friendly
  • Determined
  • Helpful
  • Hardworking
  • Outgoing
  • Funny

English 9.3

  • Determined
  • Compassion
  • Funny
  • Discussion
  • Humor
  • Intelligence
  • Being Happy
  • Quick Learner
  • Creative
  • Problem Solving
  • Smile
  • Friendliness
  • Super Normal
  • Kind

English 9.5

  • Funny
  • Swag
  • Helpfulness
  • Creativity
  • Good Listener
  • Quiet
  • Outgoing
  • Humor
  • Ability to Melt Ice

English 9.6

  • Thoughtful
  • Flexibility
  • Kindness
  • Helpful
  • Imagination
  • Easy to Get Along With
  • Quiet
  • Nice
  • Relaxed
  • Compassion
  • Humor
  • Energy
  • Creativity
  • Hardworking