The Danger of a Single Story

Two years ago at an ELL professional development I heard this TED talk by Chimamanda Adichie and I found myself guilty of lumping people together by only knowing a “single story.”  This week as we welcomed back to school, I had the opportunity to hear this talk again and once again I was reminded of the dangers of lumping people together with single story. It also reminded me that when I had stayed with a host family in London, England in the summer of 1992 after about a week, the host mom said to me,  “You are nothing like Roseanne! Thank goodness!”  I was shocked to compared with the comedian.   I was a pretty shy, quiet American and Roseanne was anything but shy and quiet.  My host mom had clumped all Americans into the Roseanne Category.  I was glad that she was willing to be a host mom even though her opinion of Americans was pretty low before she met me and my friend who also stayed with us.

Take some time and enjoy!


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