Equity Liasion Meeting 11-10-11

I attended the Equity Liaison meeting last week.  The topic was identfying  High ability learners from low economic backgrounds.    I took a bunch of notes, here are the highlights.

Mary Duffy from the Nebraska State Department of Education was the presenter.

*There is an increase of dual labeled students, meaning they have a learning disability and they are also gifted in the state.  Do we have any students  here at  West Lincoln??
*Many of these students are good problem solvers and problem identifiers, not necessarily good test takers.
*Early Intervention of these students is key, waiting until 3rd or 4th grade is sometimes too late.  In order to identify some of our high abilty learners we need to use holistic identification and use checklists and observations.

A quote by Einstein
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

Here are the hand outs  on bullying and  learning strengths in different cultures.
Bullying hand out.

Strengths of students from different culture handouts

I hope you have a great week before Thanksgiving!
If you have questions or would like more information, please ask

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