Our Busy Day

We are very busy learning to work and play together in kindergarten.  Click on the links below to see what we work on each day!

Daily Schedule*

8:15-8:40 Daily Math Routine

18:40-9:15 Writers Workshop

9:15-9:45  Whole Group Literacy

9:45-10:55  Guided Reading and Workstations

10:55-11:25  Lunch

11:25-11:50  Recess

11:50-12:10 Integrated Studies

12:10-1:00 Math

1:00-1:50 Specials

1:50-2:20  Literacy Wrap-up
2:20-2:50  Choice Time
2:53 Dismissal
*This schedule is for full length school days. It is modified for early release days including the first week of school and PLC days. Follow the school newsletters and district calendars for information on these dates!