Daily Archives: October 11, 2013

End of First Quarter


It’s Fall, Ya’ll!

One of my favorite books of the moment is Liar & Spy by Rebecca Stead (©2012, Yearling Books).   The main character, Georges (silent s) has to adjust to moving from a house to an apartment in his neighborhood.  This seventh-grader still attends the same school and can frequent his favorite restaurants.  However, Georges’ father lost his job as an architect, and the family of 3 had been living on his mother’s extra shifts as an ER nurse.  Because his mother is working so much, Georges rarely sees her.  She and Georges communicate daily by Scrabble letters, each leaving short phrases for each other on Georges’ desk.

While taking trash to his new building’s basement, Georges sees a sign on a door down there:  Spy Club Meeting–TODAY!   Soon, Georges meets Safer, a boy his age who is spying on another resident in their building.  While Georges enjoys hanging out with Safer’s warm yet quirky family, he is challenged by Safer’s demands on their friendship.  Georges starts to consider what qualities make a true friend.  In addition, Georges misses his old room (custom-designed by his dad), struggles at school against Dallas, a bully who is great at finding other kids’ weak spots, and thinks about what it means to be true to himself.

This book is funny, delightful, heartwarming, and has a surprise twist at the end.  If you’re looking for a fun book to introduce to your students, pick up this one.  It’s appropriate in readability for both Elements and Ideas students.  It’d also be a fun read-aloud.

AL A CARTE (10/11/13)

 Cyberbullying Less Than Expected – Check out this post about cyberbullying. It’s a bit of a relief thinking that it’s not as widespread as the media would like us to believe.

 More Good Books – This blog has a new book review every day!  Wow!

Earthquake Terror Supports – Here’s a collection of earthquake videos you could choose from if you plan to teach Earthquake Terror by Peg Kehret.

The New Reading Lesson – Common Core State Standards and reading.  You just need to keep an eye on it.  I value Timothy Shanahan’s opinion on anything reading (and he’s very much a part of national Common Core conversations).

Dislecksia – Check out the trailer.  Wow.  What a perspective.  Makes you think about students who struggle to read (and don’t have dyslexia).  I think I need to see this movie.