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Tuesday, March 2

Today’s Learning: How did the Crusades impact Afroeurasia?

Warm Up: Please finish your timeline activity. Place the letter AND year of the event in the boxes provided in chronological order.

Class Work: Share your completed timeline with your assigned travel partner. Then cut off the list of the lettered events at the bottom of A History of Christian/Muslim Conflict and attach it to the top of p. 45 of your notebook. Then cut off the timeline you’ve just completed and attach it to the bottom of p. 45.

Respond to the following questions on p. 46 of your notebook and answer them as we view The Crusades: Crescent and the Cross.

  • What were the Muslims and Christians in the Crusades fighting over?
  • What motivated individuals to fight in the Crusades?
  • Who suffered in the Crusades? Did anyone benefit?
  • Who “won” the Crusades? Why do you think this?

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