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Tuesday, February 25

Today’s Learning: What did others think about the Mongols?

Warm Up: Please finish your Mongol Memorial. When you have your work finished, hand in (unstapled):

  • your completed memorial design on the media I provided;
  • your completed memorial rationale on notebook paper; and,
  • the assignment sheet/grading rubric you received Wednesday.

Make sure your name is on all three items.

Class Work: PLC Schedule.

Please use your knowledge of Mongols conquests to complete the Preview: Predicting Perspectives . Create one facial expression for each group listed. Share the facial expressions you created with your table partner.

Close read Document A. First read: Circle any unfamiliar/confusing words or phrases and underline any important/interesting details. Share those words/phrases and important/interesting information with the class. Second read: answer the Guiding Questions. Share your responses with your table partner. Third read: label evidence: V for Villain and CB for Cultural Broker. Share this work with your assigned travel partner. Then write a one-sentence summary of Document A at the bottom of the document on p. 40 of your notebook.

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