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Monday, May 6

Today’s Learning: Who were the Maya?

Warm Up: Please use the Student Reading: Achievements of the Maya to help you complete the Arts and Architecture section ONLY on the Achievements of the Maya – Learning Log we began last week.

Class Work: Share the information you wrote in  on your learning log with your assigned travel partner.

use the Student Reading: Achievements of the Maya to help you complete the Language and Writing section ONLY on the Achievements of the Maya – Learning Log . Then share with your assigned travel partner.

Complete a mosaic about the Maya. Combine visuals and words on individual “tiles” to represent the civilization of the Maya. Your mosaic should include the following:

  • An appropriate title
  • At least five colors
  • Five “tiles” that illustrate the Maya civilization

The size of each tile should match the importance of that topic

Each tile should contain a visual of something that is important to defining the Maya civilization

Key words or phrases that describe each visual.

This summative assignment is due at the beginning of class tomorrow.

Exit TicketWrite a response to the Standard 8.2 framing question: Who were the Maya? Your answer should be written in complete sentences and have at least THREE examples.

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