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Friday, March 29

Today’s Learning: How did the Crusades impact Afroeurasia?

Warm Up: Please share your Standard 7.1 Formative Assessment with your travel partner at the Arc de Triomphe.

Class Work: 

Standard 7.1 Summative Assessment: Please write a response to the question, Were the Crusades a calamity or a recovery? Choose ONE perspective – that of a Muslim leader, Christian leader, European peasant, Christian knight, Muslim warrior, etc. Be specific in your response, and cite evidence – word for word quotes – from the Standard 7.1 sources to support your response. When you are finished, hand your work in on the front table and read your book quietly.

  The Standard 7.1 sources are listed below:

Describe the stories you hear on today’s CNN 10 in a sentence each on p. 48 of your notebook.

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