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Monday, December 17

Today’s Learning: How did Europe contribute to the global trade network during the Middle Ages?

Warm Up: Please make any and all corrections – cite the source (see list below) AND page # – if you missed ANY (If you missed none I don’t need to see your quiz – your score is already recorded.) on your Standard 4.3 Quiz and hand in on the front table. Then find something quiet to do while your classmates are finishing up.

Please note – the Standard 4.3 Review is NOT a source.

Class Work: Have you ever produced (made) anything COMPLETELY by yourself? Make a list of those things on p. 75 of your notebook. Discuss as a class.

Close read – underline, highlight, annotate – the article titled European Trade During the Middle Ages quietly and independently. Then write one sentence explaining the main idea or gist at the bottom of the page 3 of the article.

Close read this document again and respond to the question “What was trade like in Europe during the Middle Ages?” on p. 75 of your notebook. 

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