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Wednesday, September 5

Today’s Learning: How do we know what we know?

Warm Up: Relating it Back to Easter Island…What were the historical claims you made about what happened to civilization on Easter Island  (see p. 8 of your notebook.)? What corroborating evidence do you have to back up those claims? Write your responses to the above questions on p. 11 of your notebook.

Class Work: Please explain how we know what we know on p. 12 of your notebook. Use the notes in your notebook to help you with your response.

Standard 1.2 Summative Assessment: Create a collage* answering the question, “How do we know what we know?” Draw pictures, cut images out of a magazine or newspaper, write words and short phrases, etc., to illustrate your understanding of the the answer to this question. Your collage should be neat and colorful, have a title, and have your name on it. Due at the beginning of class, Friday, September 7.

*collage – a technique of composing a work of art by pasting on a single surface various materials not usually associated with one another. Example – Close Up collage on south wall.

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