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Wednesday, March 7

Today’s Learning: What did others think of the Mongols?

Warm Up: Does this image agree or disagree with Document A you read yesterday? Explain how they are similar or different on the back of the Guiding Questions sheet you received yesterday.

Class Work: Discuss warm up as a class.

Follow this procedure to close read Document B. Share your responses to the corresponding Guiding Questions with your assigned travel partner. Then write a one-sentence summary of Document B at the bottom of the document.

Follow this procedure to close read Document C. Share your responses to the corresponding Guiding Questions with your assigned travel partner. Then write a one-sentence summary of Document C at the bottom of the document.

Were the Mongols villains or cultural brokers? Review Standard 6.4 Documents AB, and C. Write down the strongest piece of evidence from the documents to support your point on a post-it note and label it either Villain or Cultural Broker. Place your post-it note on the appropriate side on the white board in the front of the classroom.

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