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Thursday, March 1

Today’s Learning: What was the significance of Kublai Khan?

Warm Up: Please close read What did Marco Polo Really Think of Kublai Khan?following the directions at the bottom of the page.

Class Work: Share your response to the close reading question, “What did Marco Polo really think of Kublai Khan?”  with your table partner. Discuss as a class.

Write a tweet from Marco Polo to Kublai Khan. In your tweet imagine Marco Polo would have said to Kublai Khan after Marco left China. You have a maximum of 140 characters (EACH space and punctuation mark is a space).

View the remainder of Kublai Khan: The Mongol Empire; use the Cornell Note Taking format to add notes to the field of p. 29. At the conclusion of today’s viewing, write a summary of what you saw today at the bottom of p. 90. Share that summary with your table partner.


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