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Tuesday, January 23

Today’s Learning: How did ancient China contribute to global trade?

Warm Up: Please summarize your “last day in China” you read last week on Google Classroom by describing in a paragraph what life was like on the Silk Road on p. 2 of your notebook. Include what do you think Gregory and Nestor were trying to steal in your paragraph.

Class Work: Share your warm up response with your assigned travel partner.

Close read – underline, highlight, annotate – The Silk RoadWhen you have finished reading, write one question you have about Silk Road trade at the bottom of p. 3 of the article.

Turn to p. 3 of your notebook. Title that page The Silk Road. Add the following notes to p. 3.

Close read – underline, highlight, and annotate – Han DynastyWhen finished, describe in a paragraph at the bottom of the article how the Han contributed to global trade.

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