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Tuesday, December 19

Today’s Learning: How did Europe contribute to the global trade network during the Middle Ages?

Warm Up: Please finish responding to these questions at the bottom of p. 2 of Trade: why it’s more than just a “$$$” thing you close read yesterday in complete sentences:

  1. List three examples of non-material things that are traded.
  2. How did reading this article change your understanding of trade?
  3. Did reading this article cause you to change your responses on the pretest? Explain your response.

Class Work: Share your responses to the above questions with your table partner.

Close read – underline, highlight, annotate – the article titled European Trade During the Middle Ages quietly and independently. Then write one sentence explaining the main idea or gist at the bottom of the page 3 of the article.

Close read this document again and respond to the question “What was trade like in Europe during the Middle Ages?” on p. 73 of your notebook.

People of the Feudal System Notes, p. 74.


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