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Monday, December 18

Today’s Learning: What is trade?

Warm Up: Where did all of the stuff – clothes, shoes, writing utensil, books, makeup, binder, etc. – you have with you come from. Make a list on the half sheet of paper in front of you.

Class Work: Discuss as a class. Then consolidate your list (of countries of origin only) with those of your group on the back of one of your half sheets of paper. Write the name of each country on a separate sticky note. As a class put your stickies on a map of the world. Discuss as a class.

Complete the What is Trade? Pre-Test quietly and independently. Tally results as a class.

Close read – highlight, underline, annotate – Trade – why is more than just a “$$$” thingThen respond to the questions below in a complete sentence each at the bottom of p. 2 of the article:

  1. List three examples of non-material things that are traded.
  2. How did reading this article change your understanding of trade?
  3. Did reading this article cause you to change your responses on the pretest? Explain your response.

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