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Wednesday, October 18

Today’s Learning: How did Rome go from a republic to an empire?

Warm Up: Title p. 39, Rome: The First Punic Wars. Then create a Cornell Note-Taking format on p. 39, and use it to take notes as we view the video about the First Punic War.

Class Work: Use the Cornell Note-Taking format to take notes as we view the video about the First Punic War. At the conclusion of viewing, use your notes to write a summary of the video. Share your summary with your table partner.

Find new travel partners on this Afroeurasia Tour. Attach your completed tour to p. 40 of your notebook.

Describe what you see in the diagram to the right in your notebook, p. 41. What do the arrows represent? If you are a regular citizen, or plebeian, how would your voice be heard (Patricians were the upper class.)? Is this similar to anything we have now?

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