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Monday, September 25

Today’s Learning: What is an empire?

Warm Up: Please describe what an empire is on p. 22 of your notebook.

Class Work: Please add the following definition to p. 22 of your notebook:

empire a group of nations or peoples ruled over by an emperor, empress, or other powerful sovereign or government: usually a territory of greater extent than a kingdom, as the former British Empire, French Empire, Russian Empire, Byzantine Empire, or Roman Empire.

Abbreviations Used in Dates (notes, notebook, p. 22):

  • c. = circa (Latin), approximately or about the time of
  • BC = Before Christ. Years are designated as before the birth of Christ. (Christian calendar concept)

  • AD = Anno Domini (Latin), “In the year of the Lord”. Years are designated as after the birth of Christ. (Christian calendar concept)

  • BCE = Before Christian/Common/Current Era

  • CE = Christian/Common/Current Era

Classical Empire Notesnotebook p. 23:

  • Empires are a group of countries or regions that are controlled by one ruler, often an emperor.
  • Allegiance to the empire

  • A successful military

  • Provides for the people of the empire, including safety at the border

  • (Often) flourishing arts, philosophy, religion and writing

  • Functioning government, example: collecting taxes

  • Urban areas like markets (agoras), public baths, worship spaces

  • Routes of trade, by land or sea

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