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Thursday, August 31

Today’s Learning: What is Big History?

Warm Up: Please define the concepts of  “complexity”, “goldilocks conditions”, and “threshold moments” from Big History on p. 9.

Class Work: Share your Warm Up responses with your assigned Asia Tour travel partner.

Big History Temperature Check: Hold up the number of fingers that best describes your understanding:

  • 1: I understand Big History and can explain its meaning.
  • 2: I understand Big History, but still have questions about its meaning.
  • 3: I cannot yet explain the meaning of Big History.

According to David Christian in the article Complexity and Thresholds, threshold moments are moments (8 in all) when more complex things seemed to appear. Let’s use a few analogies to try to understand the scope of Big History. Beginning with… a football field. Work with your assigned partners to complete this Big History on a Football Field activity.

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