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Friday, January 20

Today’s Learning: How did Asia contribute to global trade?

Warm Up: Please close read – underline, highlight, annotate – the article in front of you entitled Han Dynasty.

When you have close read this article, please describe how the Han contributed to global trade in a paragraph at the bottom of the page.

Class Work: Fill in the Han Dynasty column on your Silk Road Trade graphic organizer based on the information you found in the article on the Han Dynasty. Share with your assigned travel partner.

Please complete the Cornell Note-Taking process on p. 69 as we finish viewing of Treasure Seekers: The Silk Road.

Use your Notes to create Key Points in the left-hand column, and then write your Summary at the bottom of p. 69.

Describe each story you hear on today’s CNN 10 on a separate sheet of notebook paper. Hand in at the end of the class period.

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