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Wednesday, December 14

Today’s Learning: What is the role of women in Islam?

Warm Up: Please close read Primary Source A: Dress for Women. Circle any unfamiliar words; use a dictionary to define the words you circled on the primary source document. Chromebooks stay put away ALL period.

Class Work: Please re-read Primary Source A: Dress for Women. Then respond to the question, According to the Qur’an, how should women dress? on this document. Provide evidence from the text to support your answer. Share you response with your travel partner.

Please close read Primary Source B: Dress for Women. Circle any unfamiliar words; use a dictionary to define the words you circled on the primary source document.

Please re-read Primary Source B: Dress for Women. Then respond to the question, According to the Hadith, how should women dress? on this document. Provide evidence from the text to support your answer.

Complete the Primary Source Activity: Dress for Women found in the Preview packet you  received yesterday based on your work today with primary sources.

Complete this summative assessment. Due at the beginning of class tomorrow.

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